Perfecting your portfolio
If want a job with any element of design work, your portfolio is going to be what sells your ability, creativity and personality over the competition.
There is no right or wrong way to develop a portfolio, but we have a few tips for you that will help give you a competitive edge to stand out amongst other professionals to help you secure one of our vacancies.
Have a strong supporting CV
Are you a graphic designer, art worker or web developer? Your CV is what tells us about the technical side of your design skills. Have you worked mainly online or with traditional mediums? What software are you proficient in? It is these details that help us in placing you in your next marketing role. Read our CV tips in full.
Brand yourself
Marketing and technology are industries bursting with creative minds, it is important to create a brand and push your USP to stand out. Be creative in the way that your portfolio is put together; there is no right or wrong way to present your portfolio but we think a portfolio should be simple, easy to refer back to, well designed and contain your very best work.
Set the tone of your portfolio
A short, simple and well-designed introduction page tells us more about the tone of your portfolio and more importantly, about you. Provide us with a summary of your backstory and career aspirations to give more depth to your work as your portfolio may well be viewed without your CV present. If you have feedback or testimonials from clients in regards to how you handle work and the professionalism that you portray, include this in your portfolio.
Include a fairly wide range of work
As a rule, we suggest that you should have at least ten items in your portfolio. Make sure that all of your portfolio items include a wide range of work, not in terms of pages but it’s important to showcase a selection of work which uses a variety of different techniques and methods.
Consider an online portfolio
As well as having a physical portfolio, an online portfolio on a blog or website is also a useful tool to have, websites such as Behance and Vimeo are popular in showcasing design work. Having an online platform allows yourself to constantly update your portfolio, swapping work around and having freedom to experiment with different formats and content.