Learn from Your Competitors


It might sound like an odd proposition, but if you are smart in your approach and your research, you could find that the work of your competitors can contribute towards your success. It makes sense to learn about what has gone before you to see what has worked or not worked for businesses before you plough ahead and make the same mistakes unnecessarily. Undertaking competitor analysis isn’t simply a case of checking what’s happening in the market — who is offering what and what is selling and what is not. It is an ideal way to learn about what to do (and what not to do) to make a success of your business. Keep an eye on marketing campaigns and any follow-ups they receive in the trade press, which can be a sure sign that they made an impact. Networking has long been a great way to boost your business knowledge and learn from the experience of others. Businesses are generally open to sharing ideas and best practice as they often have to work together to improve the conditions in which they trade. They need to present a united front when, for example, petitioning the government or challenging legislation which makes their trading difficult. However, it is not all one-way traffic. If you want to become a trusted name and a leader in your field, you will inevitably find yourself sharing some of your knowledge and expertise, and so in turn other companies will learn from the hard work you have put in. But that is how best practice grows and strengthens the offers of entire sectors, not just one business alone. That’s got to be good for business as a whole. So as long as you’ve got something to contribute, make good use of networking opportunities to boost your business. Another way to learn from your competitors is to locate your offices near to them. Benefit from the time, effort and marketing resource that has gone into making an area known for the type of business which is located there. This is common practice and you will find areas in most cities where types of businesses have already clustered. Over time, the sector lends its name to the area and you end up with readily recognised financial districts or creative hubs. The advantage of being in the same location as your competitors is that it cuts down on your marketing costs. Established businesses will have already generated their customer traffic, so the types of customers you want will be on your door step. It will take little marketing effort to get yourself noticed. If you are a new business and haven’t yet started growing your marketing team, then maybe the place to start is with a professional marketer with good experience of competitor analysis. Ask marketing recruitment agencies in Wolverhampton for information on any suitable candidates and how to go about hiring the best talent. If you are looking for marketing recruitment agencies in Wolverhampton, you will find several in close proximity to each other in the city centre.